Polen Credit Opportunities Fund

Polen Credit Opportunities Fund

What is an interval fund?

An interval fund is a special type of closed-end fund—it buys back shares from shareholders at the fund’s net asset value and at predefined intervals. The structure works well for strategies that seek alternative investments, like private credit and other illiquid assets, often exclusively available to qualified or institutional investors. Access to this segment of the market offers the potential for higher returns while also delivering current income and diversification benefits.

Read our Interval Funds 101

Explore Polen’s Interval Fund

Investors can take advantage of attractive market opportunities with the Polen Credit Opportunities Fund. It’s an interval fund designed to harness the premium available in less liquid securities, with the aim of delivering attractive, risk-adjusted returns and high levels of income. If you’re a patient long-term investor seeking to earn higher levels of income, enhance returns, and strengthen diversification, explore our Polen Credit Opportunities Fund in the accompanying video.

About the Polen Credit Opportunities Fund

Polen Capital has invested in high yield markets and private credit for over 25 years. Our deep expertise and experience range across the credit spectrum.

The Polen Credit Opportunities Fund is a flexible, high-conviction closed-end interval fund that aims to provide investors with meaningful current income, attractive risk-adjusted returns, and diversification benefits. The Fund is built on a time-tested strategy that has been delivering results since 2010. Through the interval fund structure, a wider base of investors can access the same attractive income profile and performance history that we have provided to institutional clients for over a decade.

What the Fund Can Offer

High Income & 
Risk-Adjusted Returns
Access to Institutional Strategy Returns

High-conviction approach that invests across a broad opportunity set in pursuit of high current income and attractive long-term risk-adjusted returns

Exposure to private credit and illiquid assets, providing returns that are less correlated with broader fixed income markets

Efficient delivery of a proven investment strategy, historically only available to large institutions

Go Beyond with Polen’s Interval Fund

Access the potential for higher returns, meaningful current income, and diversification benefits by considering the Credit Opportunities Fund as part of a well-balanced portfolio.


Your Questions Answered

About Interval Funds

Since 2010, the Fund's investment strategy has aimed to provide compelling risk-adjusted returns and high current income while also offering diversification benefits. Prior to the launch of the Credit Opportunities Fund, access to this high-conviction credit strategy was limited to large institutional clients.

The Credit Opportunities Fund applies the same flexible approach, targeting broad opportunity set across high yield bonds, leveraged loans, and private credit without the limitations that would apply to a traditional mutual fund. The Fund offers the potential to provide compelling income and returns to a wider range of investors.

  • Access to illiquid, potentially higher-yielding assets, which tend to be limited or restricted from traditional mutual funds
  • Nonaccredited, nonqualified investors can invest in this strategy due to less stringent investor criteria
  • Low minimum investment with no lock-up or performance fee
  • Favorable quarterly liquidity terms, which allow for sizable allocations to less liquid segments of the market
  • Tax advantages which include the convenience of 1099 reporting and preferential capital gains treatment due to longer holding periods
  • Transparency, regulatory oversight, and frequent valuations, due to the Fund’s SEC registration

Interval funds can appeal to patient, long-term investors looking to access less liquid and potentially higher-return asset classes within the structure of an SEC-regulated mutual fund. Investing in illiquid areas of the market can amplify the income and return profile of a broadly diversified portfolio given their low correlation to traditional securities.

The Polen Credit Opportunities Fund (PCOFX)

Shareholders are notified of the terms of each quarterly repurchase offer in advance of the repurchase period. The key dates in the repurchase process are:

  • Shareholder Notification Date – The date investors are notified of a repurchase offer
  • Repurchase Request Deadline – The date that shareholders must submit their tender offers
  • Repurchase Pricing Date – The date that determines the NAV for repurchase offer
  • Repurchase Payment Deadline – The last date shareholders are paid

As with any investment, investors should familiarize themselves with the unique risks inherent of any investment option. The primary risks of an interval fund include:

  • Liquidity: While interval funds periodically repurchase shares, there is no guarantee that investors can sell the desired quantity of shares at the desired interval.
  • Leverage: Leverage can cause a portfolio to be more volatile than an unlevered portfolio. The Credit Opportunities Fund has the flexibility to use leverage, but we do not anticipate it to be a meaningful component of the fund. Leverage, if used, will be done on an opportunistic basis when we identify a combination of attractive valuations and relatively inexpensive leverage.

The Polen Credit Opportunities Fund's shares are offered daily and at net asset value. The shares are not traded or offered on the secondary market.


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The performance of the Shares for periods before the Commencement of Operations is that of the Predecessor Fund, Polen DDJ Strategic Income Plus Fund, L.P blended yield. The Predecessor Fund was not subject to the restrictions of the 1940 Act or the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”). Had the Predecessor Fund been subject to the provisions of the 1940 Act and/or the provisions of the Code applicable to investment companies, its investment performance could have been adversely affected. Performance information reflects all fees and expenses incurred by the Predecessor Fund, and has not been adjusted to reflect Fund fees and expenses. If the Fund’s fees and expenses were reflected, the performance shown for the Fund would have been lower. Index yield is yield to worst. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Polen Capital Credit, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Polen Capital Management, LLC, is an investment adviser registered with the SEC. Please find Polen Capital Credit, LLC 's Form ADV linked here.

The information is provided for illustrative purposes only. Opinions and views expressed constitute the judgment of Polen Capital as of the period indicated, may involve a number of assumptions and estimates which are not guaranteed and are subject to change without update. Although the information and any opinions or views given have been obtained from or based on sources believed to be reliable, no warranty or representation is made as to their correctness, completeness, or accuracy. Opinions, estimates, forecasts, and statements of financial market trends that are based on current market conditions constitute our judgment and are subject to change without update, including any forward-looking estimates or statements which are based on certain expectations and assumptions. The views and strategies described may not be suitable for all clients. This information does not identify all the risks (direct or indirect) or other considerations which might be material to you when entering any financial transaction.

Past performance does not guarantee future results and profitable results cannot be guaranteed.