Thought Capital

Where to Next for Generative AI?

How Polen’s Large Company Growth team distinguishes robust investment cases from the hype in a rapidly growing market.

Portfolio Managers Dan Davidowitz and Steve Atkins examine the explosion of Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI) technology and the implications it may hold for investors.

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Video Highlights
  • 0:35    Separating traditional AI from generative AI
  • 2:06    Outlook for hyperscale cloud companies
  • 4:29    Microsoft’s position vis-à-vis Amazon and Google
  • 5:35    How Adobe and Accenture seek to monetize AI
  • 6:34    Our pursuit of the “obvious” investment cases
  • 7:55    Implications for the future of search
  • 9:12    Is Nvidia’s growth sustainable?

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Cloud service providers have many interesting permutations of Gen AI that we think are attractive because they represent repeatable, recurring revenue.

Dan Davidowitz, CFA
Portfolio Manager & Analyst, Large Company Growth

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Accenture, Adobe, Alphabet, Amazon, and Microsoft are holdings in Polen’s Focus Growth and Global Growth portfolios as of December 31, 2023. Accenture is also a holding in Polen’s International Growth portfolio as of December 31, 2023.

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